Before travelling to Bali, or indeed any destination, it
is good practise to check the travel advice pages of your own government’s website
for up to the minute advice on travel and especially for specific threats to
your safety based on your nationality, gender, race, religion or sexual
In the modern age, terrorism is a global problem that can
affect anyone. Aside from the general threat that any traveller needs to
consider, in the case of Bali the Islamist bombings of 2002 and 2005, were
specifically targeted at tourists and continue to represent a significant additional
Indonesian authorities have thus far been very successful
in counter terrorism measures, arresting and prosecuting hundreds of
extremists. Nevertheless, the potential for a terrorist incident remains.
As with much of Indonesia, Bali is volcanically active,
and although very much part of its tourist appeal, the potential for an
eruption should not be discounted. Bali also sits a short distance above one of
the world’s major fault lines and the possibility of strong effects from an
offshore earthquake is possible. So too is the potential for a related Tsunami.
Crime is, of course, prevalent everywhere in the world,
and in Bali the usual assortment of opportunistic thieves and pickpockets
commonly target tourists for portable technology, handbags and luggage, purses,
wallets and passports especially at busy tourist sites and markets. As else
where in Asia some snatches are conducted from a motorcycle at speed, and can
be very dangerous, particularly if the victim becomes entangled with the seized
Credit card fraud and ATM skimming can occur in Bali.
Never let your card be taken from your sight and, if possible, use ATM’s inside
bank premises. There have been cases of violent muggings in the Kuta area.
Property and timeshare scams are commonplace. Only use official metered taxis.
There have been instances of drink spiking as a prelude
to robbery. Never leave drinks unattended nor accept drinks from strangers.
There have also been cases of methanol poisoning from counterfeit alcohol
brands served in hotels, bars and shops.
Gambling is illegal in Bali and Indonesia generally.
Never use illegal drugs. It is common for the Indonesian
Authorities to randomly test foreign nationals under suspicion. If you test
positive, prosecution is certain. Penalties for drug crime are severe and
include the death penalty.
Homosexuality is not illegal in Bali, providing it is
non-commercial, though under Indonesian law, there are no protective rights.
Largely Hindu Bali is in general very tolerant of gays, but overt displays of
affection will arouse resentment. The focus of openly gay activity in Bali is
in Seminyak. The neighbouring island of Lombok, however, is Muslim, and
distinctly less tolerant.