Always remove your shoes, socks and hat and wear long
trousers and long sleeves prior to entering a Mosque, or Temple in Malaysia.
Women entering a mosque must wear a long cloak and head covering, which are
usually provided at mosques for the purpose. Non-Muslims may not enter a Mosque
during times of prayer. Footwear should also be removed before entering a
Malaysian home.
Women travellers, particularly if alone, need to exert
especial care travelling around Malaysia. While not generally unsafe, dressing conservatively
will avoid potential pitfalls, especially in Kelantan State.
Because of the multicultural nature of Malaysia, the type
of greeting may depend on ethnicity. However the handshake is widely recognised
as the main greeting. However, it is not generally acceptable Malay women to
shake hands with a man, though she may with another woman. The proper form for
a man to greet a Malay woman is to place his hand on his heart and bow
In Chinese culture, handshakes are light, and it is
acceptable for a man to shake hands with a woman, but the protocol is for the
woman to offer her hand first. Indians normally handshake only with their own
sex, and a smiling nod is the acceptable greeting between sexes.
Never point. If you need to attract attention, motion
with the palm of your hand. Never touch anyone on the head. It is a common
gesture in many societies to affectionately ruffle the hair of children, but
the head is considered sacred in Asian cultures and such gestures will not have
the intended effect.
Visitors to Malaysia should be aware that it is highly
likely that they will witness attitudes towards animals, which may distress,
and prepare themselves in advance to deal with these matters with calm and
sometimes considerable restraint.
Overt public displays of affection between couples is
frowned upon, particularly in traditional areas, and shows disrespect to the
native culture. As homosexuality is illegal in Malaysia, same sex couples need
to be particularly careful in this area.
Tipping for services in Malaysia is in general
unnecessary but will be accepted by Taxi drivers, tour guides, restaurant and
hotel staff.
When dining among the Malays, eating with the hand is
common and care should be taken to use only the right hand and never the left,
which is considered unclean. Never lick your fingers afterwards. If eating with
a fork and spoon, the fork is used for prodding and manipulating food on the
plate but eating should be performed with the spoon.
If dining among Chinese, Chopsticks should be used only
for eating and never employed as a means of gesturing, drumming or placing in
your hair. When you have finished your meal place the implements together level
across the top rather than leaning into the bowl, and on no account leave the
chopsticks pointing straight up as this is traditionally interpreted as either
obscene or even a curse or omen of death.
It is not the practise in Malaysia, especially for women,
to touch a monk, or even their robes.